8 March 2025

Collaboration Software

Collaboration Software

Using Shared Whiteboards like Freeform & Zoom

You don’t have to be in a business setting to take advantage of collaboration software. If you are a member of a club, church group, or family, the use of a remotely-shared, collaborative whiteboard can come in handy when planning with others in the group, especially if you are not all in the same geographical location. At the March Mountain View Computer Users Group meeting, the officers will demonstrate how they collaborate on meeting planning documents and show an example of a limitless, virtual whiteboard for brainstorming.

Join us at the Cochise College Downtown Center, 2600 E. Wilcox Drive in Sierra Vista, room G106, and find out how to up your collaboration game. Coffee, donuts, pastries, and bagels are free, but we appreciate your donations to help offset MVCUG expenses.

All meetings are recorded and available for members online. If you are a paid member you will receive an email with the video link two to three weeks after the meeting.

General Monthly Agenda

Every month’s meeting has the following recurring events. Sometimes they may even be in this order:

  • General Q&A
  • Club Business
  • Computer Lexicon Term of the Month
  • The main topic - see above
  • Tips of the Month (iOS, MacOS, Windows)
  • Sharing Favorites
Meeting Notes & Videos

MVCUG Tips and Tricks: We've prepared shorter videos that highlight Tips and Fav Applications you need to review and incorporate into your daily usage.

MVCUG on YouTube: See all the recent MVCUG videos posted on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Moutain View Computer Users Group is to provide current technological news, education, and support for personal information system users in the greater Sierra Vista area and the larger Cochise County, Arizona region.